Phone: 253-927-6186

F900 Thermometry Bridge Primary Standard.
Metrology standard thermometry bridge. The Model F900 Thermometry Bridge Primary Standard is designed specifically for resistance thermometry to provide you with the best possible accuracy.
The 25Hz or 75Hz operating frequency provides fast, continuous measurement with high immunity to thermal emfs and supply frequency noise sources.
Practical measurements involve cables, connectors and imperfect operating environments, the F900 achieves its full specification under a wide range of real operating conditions.

Thermometry Primary Standard

Model  Description 
F900  Thermometry Bridge Primary Standard.
 not available

The F900 Thermometry Bridge includes a wide range of features specifically tailored for temperature metrology. These include programmable excitation current, root 2 current, analogue outputs, selectable source impedance, gain and filter bandwidth.
Manual or automatic bridge balancing together with manual or automatic control (IEEE interface) of the instrument ensure that the F900 can provide solutions in a wide range of measurement applications.

F900 Thermometry Bridge Primary Standard Features
Bandwidth Selectable: 0.5, 0.2,  0.1, 0.05,  0.02, 0.005, 0.002, 0.001 Hz
External Standard AC/DC standard resistor or resistance thermometer
Sensor current 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50mA or x root 2 any value
Sensor current frequency User selectable frequencies: 25 or 75 Hz with 50 Hz supply
30 or 90 Hz with 60 Hz supply
Phase locked to supply frequency.
Bridge balancing modes Automatic: via full self balance algorithm.
Manual: via front panel switches (to 0.1 ppm) and
analogue meter.
Self check modes Zero: verifies bridge zero accuracy
Unity: verifies bridge slope accuracy
Lead connections True four wire connections for resistance thermometer (Rt) and standard resistor (Rs). Accuracy is unaffected by series lead resistance, permitting measurements with long cables (100 meters for 25.5 Ohm SPRT referenced to a 25 Ohm resistor)

Quadrature balance Eliminates effects of thermometer, resistor and cable reactance
Active input guard Eliminates effects of leakage from any terminal to ground
Analogue output Null balance: ±10V (unfiltered)
Programmable: 0-10V (3 scale ranges)
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Hotek Technologies, Inc
tel: 253-927-6186