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HomeCapacitance standard › 1413 capacitance decade

The 1413 Capacitor Decade
Decade Capacitor are made to the same exacting specs as GenRad.
The 1413 Capacitance Decade is not only a capacitance precision standard, it is a systems component as well - connections are made at the rear for this purpose.
Six precision decades are employed to provide a range of 0 to 1.11111µF in increments as small as 1 pF and with an accuracy of 0.05% +0.5pF. Air capacitors are used for the two lower decades and precision silvered-mica capacitors are used for the remainder.

1413 Capacitor Decade

Model  Description 
1413  1413 Capacitance Decade.

0 to 1.11111 µF
0.05% + 0.5 pF basic accuracy
Step 1 pF
6-digit resolution
3-terminal connections
Optional rear-mounted GR-874 locking connectors.

The shielding is divided into two parts, arranged to provide low terminal-to-guard capacitances.
When the two shields are connected together, the 1413 becomes a well-shielded three-terminal capacitor with an extremely low zero-capacitance, suitable for a variety of applications. 

Range: 0 to 1.11111µF, controlled by six in-line-readout dials.
Accuracy: ±(0.05% +0.5 pF) at 1 kHz.
Stability: ±(0.05% +0.5 pF) at 1 kHz
Temperature Coefficient: 20ppm/ °C from 10 to 50°C.
Zero Capacitance: 0.1 pF.
Voltage Rating: 500 Vpk max up to 10 kHz.

1409 Standard Capacitor Specification
1 pF to
100 pF
101 pF to
1000 pF
1001 pF to
2000 pF
2001 pF to
0.1 µF
0.1 uF to
1.11111 µF
 Dissipation Factor,
max at 1 kHz

0.002 0.001 0.0005 0.0003 0.0004
Insulation Resistance,
3 terminal after 2
minutes at 500V dc

≥ 5 x l010 ≥ 5 x l09
Terminal Capacitance,
max high to case high
to guard low to guard
4 pF
85 pF
45 pF
8 pF
110 pF
70 pF
10 pF
125 pF
80 pF
30 pF
165 pF
110 pF
60 pF
200 pF
120 pF

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Hotek Technologies, Inc
tel: 253-927-6186