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Home > Calibrators > Current Loop Calibrators > IVC-222HPII Calibrator

The IVC-222HPII Voltage Current Calibrator has the capability to store and recall up to two set point values using the SP1 and SP2 keys. An RS-232 port accessed via a custom cable allows the calibrator to be computer controlled for automated testing.

IVC-222HPII voltage current calibrator

Model  Description 
IVC222HPII  Portable Voltage Current Calibrator
include: Protective Sleeve Case, Batteries, Test Leads,
Instruction Manual, NIST Calibration Certificate 

Remarkable 0.015% of reading accuracy
Four ranges; 200 mV, 2 V, 20 V, and24 mA
Intuitive, easy to use controls
RS-232 interface - can be computer controlled
Built-in 24 volt supply can drive 4 to 20 mA loops over 1000 ohms
Rugged, lightweight, hand-held case
Test and calibrate analog measuring equipment
Calibrate process control (4-20 mA) devices
Simulate low level DC voltages to mimic sensor outputs
Test analog to digital converters

The all new IVC-222HPII voltage current calibrator is a general purpose current and voltage source that can be used in engineering, manufacturing; test and process control applications.

It combines the latest digital and analog circuitry to achieve it's rated specifications in a small, reliable package.
This unit has the capability to store and recall up to two values in the set points provided by the SP1 and SP2 keys. The IVC-222HPII calibrator has a RS-232 port which can be accessed a
available cable allowing the unit to be computer controlled for automated testing.
The calibrator can be powered in the field by alkaline or rechargeable batteries or on the bench with optional AC adapter.

Voltage Current Calibrator
  Voltage Output  mA Output 
Output Range:  200 mV 2 V 20 V  24 mA 
Resolution:  0.01 mV 0.1 mV 1 mV  1 mA 
Accuracy 18° C to 28° C:  ± 0.015% of Reading ± 2 count   
Temperature Stability:  0 to 18° C; 28 to 50° C   
Load Capability:  ± 1 mA for rated accuracy  1000 ohms 
Capacitive Load:  No limitations  N/A 
Output Protection:  Current limited Internal Resettable fuse 
Power:  9V Alkaline battery or optional NiCd 
Case Dimensions:  1.43" x 3.15" x 5.7" 
Weight:  12 oz. 
Size:  1.43" x 3.15" x 5.7" 
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Hotek Technologies, Inc
tel: 253-927-6186