Phone: 253-927-6186

HD2007T Relative humidity transmitter. Measuring range 5...98%R.H. 4mA correspond to 0%R.H., 20mA correspond to 100%R.H. Temperature drift correction of R.H. sensor.
Sensor working temperature: -40°C +150°C. Power supply 7 - 30Vdc.
HD2008T Dual digital three wire temperature and relative humidity transmitter. Configurable measuring range: temperature between -50°C and +200°C, standard configuration 0 - 100°C, relative humidity 5...98%R.H. 4mA correspond to -50°C and 0%R.H., 20mA correspond to +200°C and 100%R.H. Temperature drift correction of R.H. sensor. Power supply 7 - 30Vdc.

Relative humidity transmitter

Model  Description 
HD2007T  Relative Humidity Transmitter.
HD2008T  Dual digital active R.H. and temperature transmitter.

HD 2007T... and HD 2008T... are microprocessor configurable humidity and humidity-temperature 4 - 20 mA transmitters. The temperature range is configurable.
They convert humidity and temperature values into two linear current signals (2 wires) in the field 4 - 20 mA. In the humidity-temperature combined version, the two circuits and the related
outputs are completely independent one from the other.
The linearization based on digital technique grants best accuracy and stability. Programming is carried out very easily by pressing a button.

No operation by means of jumpers, potentiometers, etc. is requested.
The humidity input can be recalibrated using two saturated solutions: the first one at 75%, the second one at 33%; the 0% R.H...100% R.H. relative humidity range is fixed and 4 mA correspond to 0% R.H., while 20 mA to 100% R.H. In HD 2008 model, the operator can configure 4 - 20 mA (or 20 - 4 mA) temperature output in any range going from -50°C up to +200°C with 25°C minimum amplitude.
A LED indicates the alarm states (temperature exceeding set-point, sensor failure or short-circuit) and helps the operator when programming. Important remark: the relative humidity sensor may work in a -30...+140°C temperature range. Beyond this range data are not correct and the sensor may be damaged.

Relative humidity transmitter ORDER CODES
HD2007TO/1: relative humidity 2-wire passive transmitter, 4 - 20 mA output. Duct horizontal fixed probe L=130 mm.
HD2007TV: relative humidity 2-wire passive transmitter, 4 - 20 mA output. Wall-mounting vertical fixed probe.
HD2007TC/1: relative humidity 2-wire passive transmitter, 4 - 20 mA output. Probe L=130 mm connected directly to the instrument by means of a 1.5 m long wire.
HD2007TC/2-5: relative humidity 2-wire passive transmitter, 4 - 20 mA output. Probe L=330 mm connected directly to the instrument by means of a 5 m long wire.
HD2007TC/2-10: relative humidity 2-wire passive transmitter, 4 - 20 mA output. Probe L=330 mm connected directly to the instrument by means of a 10 m long wire.
HD2008TO/1: relative humidity and temperature duct configurable 2-wire passive combined transmitter, 4 - 20 mA double output. Duct fixed horizontal probe L=130 mm.
HD2008TV: relative humidity and temperature duct configurable 2-wire passive combined transmitter, 4 - 20 mA double output. Wall-mounting fixed vertical probe.
HD2008TC/1: relative humidity and temperature duct configurable 2-wire passive combined transmitter, 4 - 20 mA double output. Probe L=130 mm connected directly to the instrument by means of a 1.5 m long wire.
HD2008TC/2-5: relative humidity and temperature duct configurable 2-wire passive combined transmitter, 4 - 20 mA double output. Probe L=330 mm connected directly to the instrument by means of a 5 m long wire.
HD2008TC/2-10: relative humidity and temperature duct configurable 2-wire passive combined transmitter, 4 - 20 mA double output. Probe L=330 mm connected directly to the instrument by means of a 10 m long wire.

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Hotek Technologies, Inc
tel: 253-927-6186