Phone: 253-927-6186

HD 2011T Relative Humidity Transmitter. Measuring range 5...98% R.H., sensor temperature working range -40...150°C. Temperature drift correction of R.H. sensor.
Outputs: 0...20 mA, 4...20 mA, 0...10Vdc can be selected. Power supply 24Vac, on request 230Vac.
HD 2012T Dual digital active R.H. and temperature transmitter. R.H. measuring range 5...98%, sensor temperature working range -40...150°C. Temperature drift correction of R.H. sensor.
Configurable temperature measuring range between -50 and 200°C, minimum range 25°C.
Standard configuration 0 - 100°C. Selecting output for both the channels: 0...20 mA, 4...20 mA, 0...10Vdc can be selected. Power supply 24Vac, on request 230Vac.

Relative humidity transmitter

Model  Description 
HD 2011T  Relative Humidity Transmitter.
HD 2012T  Dual digital active R.H. and temperature transmitter.

The HD 2011T... and HD 2012T... are microprocessor-controlled active humidity and humidity-temperature transmitters. The temperature range is configurable.
These transmitters convert the humidity and temperature values into two linear current or voltage signals. Linearization, with a digital technique, allows excellent precision and stability to be obtained.
Each output of the transmitter may be selected between 0...20mA, 4...20mA or 0...10V and is set by means of a jumper.

The absence of trimmers, potentiometers, etc. makes instrument calibration very simple: all that is required is to press a key while a led indicates any abnormal situations.
The humidity input can be recalibrated using two saturated solution: the first with 75%R.H., the second with 3%R.H. The relative humidity range 0%R.H...100%R.H. is fixed: depending on the solution used, the value 0%R.H. corresponds to 0mA, 4mA or 0V, while 100%R.H. corresponds to 20mA, 1V or 10V.
In the HD 2012 model, the user can set the temperature output in any range in the field -50...+200°C as long as the minimum amplitude is at least 25°C; a led indicates any alarm situations (temperature outside the set range, temperature sensor broken or short circuiting) and assists the user in the programming phase. Important note: the relative humidity sensor can work in the temperature range -50...+150°C.
Outside this range the data are not correct and the sensor may be spoilt.

Relative Humidity Transmitters Order Codes
HD2011 TO/1: Active relative humidity transmitter, output 0...20mA, 4...20mA or 0...10V. Horizontal fixed probe for channel installation L=130 mm.
HD2011 TO/2: Active relative humidity transmitter, output 0...20mA, 4...20mA or 0...10V. Horizontal fixed probe for channel installation L=330 mm.
HD2011 TO/3: Active relative humidity transmitter, output 0...20mA, 4...20mA or 0...10V. Horizontal fixed probe for channel installation L=530 mm.
HD2011 TV: Active relative humidity transmitter, output 0...20mA, 4...20mA or 0...10V. Vertical fixed probe for wall installation
HD2011 TC/1: Active relative humidity transmitter, output 0...20mA, 4...20mA or 0...10V. Probe L=130 mm for direct connection to the instrument with a cable L=1.5 metres.
HD2011 TC/2-5: Active relative humidity transmitter, output 0...20mA, 4...20mA or 0...10V. Probe L=330 mm for direct connection to the instrument with a cable L=5 metres.
HD2011 TC/2-10: Active relative humidity transmitter, output 0...20mA, 4...20mA or 0...10V. Probe L=330 mm for direct connection to the instrument with a cable L=10 metres.
HD2012 TO/1: Double active relative humidity and temperature transmitter for channel installation, double output 0...20mA, 4...20mA or 0...10V. Horizontal fixed probe for channel installation L=130 mm.
HD2012 TO/2: Double active relative humidity and temperature transmitter for channel installation, double output 0...20mA, 4...20mA or 0...10V. Horizontal fixed probe for channel installation L=330 mm.
HD2012 TO/3: Double active relative humidity and temperature transmitter for channel installation, double output 0...20mA, 4...20mA or 0...10V. Horizontal fixed probe for channel installation L=530 mm.
HD2012 TV: Double active relative humidity and temperature transmitter for channel installation, double output 0...20mA, 4...20mA or 0...10V. Vertical fixed probe for wall installation.
HD2012 TC/1: Double active relative humidity and temperature transmitter for channel installation, double output 0...20mA, 4...20mA or 0...10V. Probe L=130 mm for direct connection to the instrument with a cable L=1.5 metres.
HD 2012 TC/2-5: Double active relative humidity and temperature transmitter for channel installation, double output 0...20mA, 4...20mA o 0...10V. Probe L=330 mm for direct connection to the instrument with a cable L=5 metres.
HD 2012 TC/2-10: Double active relative humidity and temperature transmitter for channel installation, double output 0...20mA, 4...20mA o 0...10V. Probe L=330 mm for direct connection to the instrument with a cable L=10 metres. On request the transmitters can be supplied with voltage output 0...1Vdc or 0...5Vdc.

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Hotek Technologies, Inc
tel: 253-927-6186