Phone: 253-927-6186

HD2306.0 Conductivity Meter Thermometer complete with combined conductivity/temperature probe SP06T, conductivity solution 12.880μS.
Storage of maximum, minimum, average value. Functions: REL, HOLD and auto power off which can be
disabled, IP 67 protection degree.

HD2306 Conductivity Meter

Model  Description 
HD2306  HD2306.0 Conductivity Meter Thermometer

The HD2306.0 is a portable instrument with a large LCD display.
It measures conductivity, liquid resistivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), and salinity using combined 4-ring
and 2-ring conductivity temperature probes. Temperature only is measured by Pt100 or Pt1000 immersion,
penetration or contact probes. The probe calibration can be performed automatically in one or more than one
of the 147μS, 1413μS, 12880μS or 111800μS/cm conductivity calibration solutions.
The temperature probe is fitted with an automatic detection module, with the factory calibration settings
already being memorized inside. The Max, Min and Avg function calculates the maximum, minimum or
average values. Other functions include: the relative measurement REL, the Auto-HOLD function, and the
automatic turning off which can also be disabled. The instrument has IP67 protection degree.

HD 2306 specifications
Measurement of conductivity by Instrument
Measurement range (K cell=0.1) 0.01μS/cm in range 0.00…19.99μS/cm
Resolution 0.0 - 199.9μS/cm / 0.1μS/cm
200 - 1999μS/cm / 1μS/cm
2.00 - 19.99mS/cm / 0.01mS/cm
20.0 - 199.9mS /cm / 0.1mS/cm
Accuracy (conductivity) ±0.5% ±1digit
Measurement of resistivity by Instrument 
Measurement range / Resolution   4.0 - 199.9Ω / 0.1Ω
200 - 999Ω / 1Ω
1.00k - 19.99kΩ / 0.01kΩ
20.0k - 99.9kΩ / 0.1kΩ
100k - 999kΩ / 1kΩ
1 - 10MΩ / 1MΩ 
Accuracy (resistivity)  ±0.5% ±1digit 
Measurement of total dissolved solids (with coefficient χ/TDS=0.5) 
Measurement range (K cell=1)   0.05mg/l in range 0.00…19.99mg/l 
Resolution   0.0 - 199.9 mg/l / 0.5 mg/l (with K cell=0.1)
200 - 1999 mg/l / 1 mg/l
2.00 - 19.99 g/l / 0.01 g/l
20.0 - 199.9 g/l / 0.1 g/l 
Accuracy (total dissolved solids)   ±0.5% ±1digit 
Measurement of temperature by Instrument 
Pt100 measurement range  -50 - +200°C 
Pt1000 measurement range   -50 - +200°C 
Resolution  0.1°C 
Accuracy   ±0.25°C 
Drift after 1 year   0.1°C/year 

HD2306.0K: The kit is composed of: instrument HD2306.0, conductivity/temperature combined probe SP06T,
standard calibration solution HD8712 (12880μS/cm), 3 1.5V alkaline batteries, operating manual, case.
Other conductivity probes must be ordered separately.

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Hotek Technologies, Inc
tel: 253-927-6186