HD3456.2 Laboratory Benchtop Meter measures pH, mV, redox potential (ORP), conductivity,
resistivity in liquids, total dissolved solids (TDS), and salinity
The HD3456.2 measures pH, mV,
redox potential (ORP), conductivity, resistivity in liquids, total dissolved solids (TDS), and salinity using
combined 4-ring and 2-ring conductivity/temperature probes.
Other common function of this instrument
series include: Max, Min and Avg function, the Auto-HOLD function, the automatic turning off which can also
be disabled.
HD3456.2 Laboratory Benchtop Meter.
Model | Description |
HD 3456.2 | HD3456.2 Laboratory Benchtop Meter |
Temperature is measured by Pt100 or Pt1000 immersion, penetration or contact probes.
The pH electrode calibration, as well as manual, can be carried out on one, two or three points and the
calibration sequence can be chosen from a list of 13 buffers.
The probe calibration can be performed automatically in one or more of the 147µS, 1413µS, 12880µS or
111800μS/cm conductivity calibration solutions.
The display shows continually the temperature in °C or °F
and one selectable parameter
according to the connected probe type, i.e. in case of conductivity probe it is
possible to select between χ or Ω or TDS or g/l.
Measurement of pH by instrument | |
Measuring range | -2.000 - +19.999pH |
Resolution | 0.01 to 0.001pH selectable from menu |
Accuracy | ±0.001pH ±1digit |
Input impedance | >10Exp12Ω |
Calibration error @25°C | |Offset| > 20mV Slope > 50mV/pH o Slope < 63mV/pH Sensitivity < 85% or Sensitivity > 106.5% |
Automatic / manual temperature compensation |
-50 - +150°C |
Automatically detected pH standard solutions (@25°C) |
1.679pH - 2.000pH - 4.000pH - 4.008pH 4.010pH - 6.860pH - 6.865pH - 7.000pH 7.413pH - 7.648pH - 9.180pH - 9.210pH 10.010pH |
Measurement of mV by instrument | |
Measuring range | -1999.9 -0 +1999.9mV |
Resolution | 0.1mV |
Accuracy | ±0.1mV ±1digit |
Drift after 1 year | 0.5mV/year |
Measurement of conductivity by instrument | |
Measurement range (Kcell=0.01) / Res. | 0.000 - 1.999µS/cm / 0.001µS/cm |
Measurement range (Kcell=0.1) / Res. | 0.00 - 19.99µS/cm / 0.01µS/cm |
Measurement range (Kcell=1) / Res. | 0.0 - 199.9µS/cm / 0.1µS/cm 200 - 1999µS/cm / 1µS/cm 2.00 - 19.99mS/cm / 0.01mS/cm 20.0 - 199.9mS/cm / 0.1mS/cm |
Range di misura (Kcell=10) / Res. | 200 - 1999mS/cm / 1mS/cm |
Accuracy (conductivity) | ±0.5% ±1digit |
Measurement of resistivity by instrument | |
Measurement range (Kcell=0.01) / Res. | Up to 1GΩcm / (*) |
Measurement range (Kcell=0.1) / Res. | Up to 100MΩcm / (*) |
Measurement range (Kcell=1) / Res. | 5.0 - 199.9Ωcm / 0.1Ωcm 200 - 999Ωcm / 1OΩcm 1.00kΩ - 19.99kΩcm / 0.01kΩcm 20.0kΩ - 99.9kΩcm / 0.1kΩcm 100kΩ - 999kΩcm / 1kΩcm 1 - 10MΩcm / 1MΩcm |
Measurement range (Kcell=10) / Res. | 0.5 - 5.0Ωcm / 0.1Ωcm |
Accuracy (resistivity) | ±0.5% ±1digit |
Measurement of total dissolved solids (with coefficient ./TDS=0.5) | |
Measurement range (Kcell=0.01) / Res. | 0.00 - 1.999mg/l / 0.005mg/l |
Measurement range (Kcell=0.1) / Res. | 0.00 - 19.99mg/l / 0.05mg/l |
Measurement range (Kcell=1) / Res. | 0.0 - 199.9 mg/l / 0.5 mg/l 200 - 1999 mg/l / 1 mg/l 2.00 - 19.99 g/l / 0.01 g/l 20.0 - 99.9 g/l / 0.1 g/l |
Measurement range (Kcell=10) / Res. | 100 - 999 g/l / 1 g/l |
Accuracy (total dissolved solids) | ±0.5% ±1digit |
Measurement of salinity | |
Measurement range / Resolution | 0.000 - 1.999g/l / 1mg/l 2.00 - 19.99g/l / 10mg/l 20.0 - 199.9g/l / 0.1g/l |
Accuracy (salinity) | ±0.5% ±1digit |
Measurement of temperature by instrument | |
Pt100 Measuring range | -50 - +200°C |
Pt1000 Measuring range | -50 - +200°C |
Resolution | 0.1°C |
Accuracy | ±0.25°C ±1digit |
Drift after 1 year | 0.1°C/year |
Automatic/manual temperature compensation | |
0 - 100°C with aT = 0.00 - 4.00%/°C | |
Reference temperature | 20°C or 25°C selectable from menu |
Conversion factor ./TDS | 0.4 - 0.8 |
Cell constant K (cm-1) | 0.01 - 0.1 - 0.7 - 1.0 - 10.0 |
Standard solutions automatically detected (@25°C) | |
147µS/cm 1413µS/cm 12880µS/cm 111800µS/cm |
Ordering codes
HD 3456.2 Bench-top pH meter-Conductivity meter-Thermometer measures pH, mV, ORP values by pH,
redox or separated reference electrodes, conductivity, liquids resistivity, total dissolved solids (TDS) and
salinity by combined conductivity and temperature probes by Pt100 or Pt1000 probes.
Datalogger which stores maximum, minimum, average value. RS232 C serial output or USB 2.0 for data
download to a PC or printer from memory or in real time.
Functions: REL, HOLD, auto power off which can
be disabled., protection degree IP 66. Battery power supply or mains power supply by SWD10 (optional).
Complete with 3 batteries, instructions manual, software DeltaLog 9 suitable from version 2.
conductivity probes, calibrating solutions, TP47� series temperature probes with SICRAM module,
cable for PC connection and outer power supplier have to be ordered separately.