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Home > Transmitters > Barometric Transmitters > HD408T Differential Pressure Transmitter

Pressure transmitters with respect to atmosphere

HD 408T Transmitter for Relative pressure or differential pressure with respect to atmosphere.
Working range -20 -  +60°C. Suitable for measuring non-corrosive gases or dry air.
Tube type connection for diam. 5 flexible tube. 8 -  30Vdc power supply with 4 -  20mA output.
HD 4V8T Transmitter for Relative pressure or differential pressure with respect to atmosphere.
Working range -20 -  +60°C. Suitable for measuring non-corrosive gases or dry air.
Tube type connection for diam. 5 flexible tube.16 -  40Vdc or 24Vac power supply with 0 -  10Vdc output,
10 -  40Vdc or 24Vac power supply with 0 -  5Vdc or 1 -  5Vdc output.

Differential pressure transmitter

Model  Description 
HD 408T  Relative pressure or differential pressure transmitter
HD 4V8T  Transmitter for Relative pressure or differential pressure

The HD408T and HD4V8T are analog output relative or differential atmospheric pressure transmitters.
The transmitters are used to monitor clean room barometric pressure, to control filters, to measure air flow.


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Hotek Technologies, Inc
tel: 253-927-6186