DP1211 Precision voltage divider. Dekapot.
Dekapot DP1211 series potentiometers are precision resistive voltage dividers.
They are accurate, have high resolution and have a constant input impedance.
The units have two decades and a 100-division potentiometer.
Two Models are available, Model DP1211-1K and Model DP1211-10K are offered with 1KΩ and 10KΩ input
resistance values respectively.
Exceptional stability and reliability are assured by the use of precision resistive elements.
Precision voltage divider.
Model | Description |
DP1211 | Precision voltage divider.
Initial Accuracy... ±
15PPM +.5 dial division
Long-term Accuracy... ±
20PPM +.5 dial division
Resolution 0.003 %
Number of Decades: Two, plus 100 division potentiometer.
APPLICATIONS: Meter Calibration; Linearity Testing; Ratio Measurements; Synchro Testing, DC and
audio frequency applications.