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HomeResistance standard › DP1211 voltage divider

DP1311 Dekapot resistive voltage divider.
Dekapot DP1311 series are precision resistive voltage dividers. They are accurate, have high resolution
and have a constant input impedance.
The DP1311 offers three decades and a 100 division potentiometer.
There are two different types of DP1311, the DP1311-1K, which has an input impedance of 1kΩ and the
DP1311-10K, which has an input resistance of 10KΩ Exceptional stability and reliability are assured by the use of precision resistive elements.

Dekapot resistive voltage divider.

Model  Description 
DP1311 Dekapot resistive voltage divider.

Initial Accuracy... ± 15PPM +.5 dial division
Long-term Accuracy... ± 20PPM +.5 dial division
Resolution 0.003 %
Number of Decades: Two, plus 100 division potentiometer.

APPLICATIONS: Meter Calibration; Linearity Testing; Ratio Measurements; Synchro Testing, DC and
audio frequency applications.

RTD Resistance Simulator.
Model OS-250  Model OS-260  Model OS-270 
Range  0 to 24,000,000 Ohm  0 to 24,000,000.0 Ohm  0 to 1,500,000.00 Ohm 
Resolution  1 Ohm  0.1 Ohm  0.01 Ohm 
± 1 (up to 1,000 Ohm)
± 0.1% (above 1,000 Ohm)
± 0.5 (up to 1,000.0 Ohm)
 ± 0.1% (above 1,000.0 Ohm) 
± 0.5 (up to 5,000.0 Ohm)
 ± 0.1% (above 5,000.0 Ohm) 
Power Rating  1.0 W  1.0 W  1.0 W 
Power Supply  4 AA alkaline batteries  4 AA alkaline batteries  4 AA alkaline batteries 
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Hotek Technologies, Inc
tel: 253-927-6186