Phone: 253-927-6186

The 106 penetration food thermometer is ideal for quick, uncomplicated core temperature checks in all
industries i.e. catering, hotels, canteens, supermarkets etc

106 Food Thermometer

Model  Description 
05601063  106 Food Thermometer
05631063  106 Food Thermometer with TopSafe
106 Food Thermometer.
Model  106 
Measuring ranges  -50 to +230° C 
Parameters  ° C/° F 
Resolution  0.1 ° C 
Accuracy  ± 1% of mv (+100 to +230 ° C)
± 0.5 ° C (-30 to +99.9 ° C)
± 1 ° C (-50 to -30.1 ° C) 
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  • American Express
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  • Purchase Orders
Hotek Technologies, Inc
tel: 253-927-6186