Phone: 253-927-6186

METRAHit 1ASi Actuator Sensor Interface Tester and Programmer.
ASi bus and ASi Actuator Sensor Interface Tester Programmer. Measuring, test, monitor and addressing
instrument for the ASi bus and ASi slaves for professional initial start-up and troubleshooting

ASi Bus Tester

Model  Description 
METRAHit 1ASi  ASi Bus Tester - Diagnosis and Addressing Tool

Reads out slave addresses 0 ...31, A, B without scrolling - complete LCD overview display.
Reads out slave IO and ID codes (including extended ID codes 1 and 2).
Standard addressing mode, and extended addressing mode per ASi version 2.1.
Programming of ID code 1.
Slave function-test, also for analog slaves with profile 7.2 (7.3 in preparation).
Recognition of all system components.
Memory, diagnosis and PC gateway functions.
Data transmission, data management and documentation of system parameters with optional software.
Connection via jack plug

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Hotek Technologies, Inc
tel: 253-927-6186