MAVOLOG 10 Power Analyzer.
Interference generated by users causes disturbances within the distribution network which may influence the reliability of operations for other consumers within the network.
Free markets for electrical power supply thus necessitate special measures which assure adequate quality for all consumers within a power network.
MAVOLOG 10 series three-phase power analyzers have been designed primarily for the acquisition of electrical power supply characteristics and monitoring of the corresponding compatibility
level (voltage quality) in accordance with the standards.
Characteristics for available AC quantities can be continuously recorded at the same time.
The measured quantities required for energy and power analysis in three-phase systems are also made available with the MAVOLOG 10S model (with current inputs).
Power Analyzer
Model | Description |
MAVOLOG 10 | MAVOLOG 10 Power Analyzer. |
Monitoring of mains quality with simultaneous recording of 3-phase AC quantities.
Internal analysis of voltage quality at short-term, daily and long-term intervals in accordance with EN50160 and other industrial standards.
640 k internal memory, user configurable capacitance components for various measuring and testing tasks.
MAVOLAN RS485 field bus with multi-drop connection for up to 32 devices Alarm output for events messages
Even the MAVOLOG 10L basic version without current inputs or LCD is equipped with a programmable alarm output for events messages.
The primary range of applications includes the areas of voltage quality and voltage recording in three-phase AC systems.
Measurement values are acquired and stored to internal memory along with the relevant analyses at either short-term, daily or weekly intervals depending upon memory configuration.
Connection to other instruments, as well as to a PC, is established via the RS485 interface.
The MAVOLOG 10N is equipped with an LCD for the on-site observation of measurement values and analyses. Up to ten selected measurement quantities and analyses can be consecutively displayed at the LCD by activating a push-button. This version is otherwise identical to the MAVOLOG 10L.
The MAVOLOG 10S power analyzer with LCD and current inputs is a universal instrument for the recording of the characteristics of significant power quantities in three-phase systems, and for the testing of voltage quality characteristics.
Measured quantities U1, U2, U3 and UN, as well as I1, I2 and I3, are processed directly at a DSP (digital signal processor).
The user-specific selection of available measured quantities and analyses is stored to the internal
256 k memory.
Memory configuration can be adapted within a broad range to the desired requirements.
Stored data are uploaded to the computer via the RS485 interface.
Up to 32 instruments with different configurations can be connected with a bus cable.
The bus configuration provides for plain and simple configuration, as well as reliable operation.