Phone: 253-927-6186

The DE-5000 is a portable, high-performance LCR meter that is fullfeatured yet cost effective.
It measures in true 4-wire Kelvin mode and rivals the capabilities and options of many of its bench
This LCR meter features automatic L-C-R selection, a Sorting mode, and selectable test frequencies.
It can transfer data to a PC via a fully isolated, optical IR-USB interface.

DE-5000 LCR Meter.

Model  Description 
DE-5000  DE-5000 Handheld LCR Meter.

It measures:
Ls/Lp -- Series and parallel inductance.
Cs/Cp -- Series and parallel capacitance.
Rs/Rp -- Series and parallel resistance (ac).
Rdc/Rp -- Series and parallel resistance (dc).
ESR/Rp -- Series and parallel equivalent resistance.
D -- Dissipation factor.
Q -- Quality factor.
Θ -- Phase angle

This handheld LCR meter can transfer data to a PC via a standard, fully isolated,
optical IR-USB interface.
It also features a Sorting mode, allowing users to quickly sort components.
The DE-5000 handheld LCR Meter has automatic impedance selection.
This allows the user to measure the L/C/R components in Auto LCR mode without having to
select the type of measurement.

DE-5000 Handheld LCR Meter specification
Parameters measured:  Ls / Lp / Cs / Cp / Rs / Rp / DCR with D/Q/Θ/ESR measurement
Automatic L-C-R selection 
Accuracy:  As good as 0.3%  
Selectable test model:  Series or Parallel 
Display:   Backlit 20,000/2,000 LCR Meter count 
Input connection:   Accepts normal or shrouded banana plugs 2-Wire plus separate Guard 
Automated LCR ranges:  L: 20.000 µH -- 2000 H
C: 200.00 pF -- 20.00 mF
R: 20.000 Ω -- 200.0 MΩ
DCR: 200.00 Ω -- 200.0 MΩ 
Selectable test frequencies:  100 Hz / 120 Hz / 1 kHz / 10 kHz / 100 kHz 
Measurement rate:  1.2/second nominal 
Available tolerances for sorting function:  ±0.25% ±5% ±0.5% ±10% ±1% ±20% ±2% -20/+80% 
Response time:   Approx. 1 second/DUT 
Temperature coefficient:   [0.15 x (specified accuracy)]/°C 0-18°C, 28-50°C 
Test signal level:  0.5 Vrms Typical 
Environmental:  LCR Meter Operating temperature: 0°C to 50°C; <70% RH
LCR Meter Storage temperature: -20°C to 60°C; <80% RH  
Battery:   Uses a standard 9V alkaline battery. Display includes battery
level indicator 
Dimensions:   18.8 cm H x 9.5 cm W, 5.3 mm D (7.4" x 3.75" x 2") 
Weight:   350 g (0.75 lb) 

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Hotek Technologies, Inc
tel: 253-927-6186