Phone: 253-927-6186

JUPITER 650 Dry block Calibrator.

Jupiter 650 Dry Block Calibrator. High temperature calibrator.
Jupiter 650 High-Temperature Dry Block Calibrator. Temperature ambient to 650°C (1202°F).
The Jupiter 650 Dry Block range offers industry-leading performance in an easy to use portable package.
With its wide temperature range the Jupiter 650 will reach that important 1200°F mark making it ideal for the calibration of thermocouples as well as platinum resistance thermometers.
It has been designed for fast heating and cooling for convenient field use.
For flexibility surface sensor and infrared thermometer accessories can be added.

JUPITER 650 Dry Block

Model  Description 
650  JUPITER 650 Dry Block (50°C to 650°C)
650-SITE  JUPITER 650-SITE Dry Block (50°C to 650°C)
Calibrate Whole Calibration Loop. Using a heat source rather than an electrical simulator, a test instrument and sensor can be calibrated as a system.
Excellent Temperature Uniformity. Careful design and research allows use of a high conductivity heater block.
Wide Operating Range. Fast response from ambient to 650°C (1202°F) ideal for field use.
Simple To Use and Outstanding Value
The standard insert can hold up to six thermometers.
For larger blocks see the Gemini and Medusa Dryblock Calibrators.
All calibrators including the Jupiter 650 include a customized controller with 5 point linearization
allowing for unmatched absolute accuracy and repeatability in a portable dry block.
The SITE model includes a universal sensor input allowing Platinum Resistance Thermometers,
Thermocouples (K, N, R, S, L, B, PL2, T, J & E) along with Linear Process Inputs including 4-20mA
current transmitters to be displayed on the built-in indicator.

The SITE indicator is commonly used to display an external standard thermometer giving greater
accuracy by eliminating temperature gradient and loading errors.
The indicator also can be programmed with up to five calibration points to provide high accuracy
digital probe matching.
Low-Temperature Infrared Calibrator specification
Model  Jupiter 650 
Temperature Range  35°C to 650°C 
Dry Block Accuracy  ≤0.3°C Throughout entire range 
Absolute Stability
Over 30 Minutes 
At 50° C: ±0.02°C
At 250° C: ±0.02°C
At 650° C: ±0.03°C
Blackbody Source: ±0.3°C
Surface Sensor Calibrator: ±0.5°C
Computer Interface  Included with Windows Software 
Cooling Time  650°C to 150°C in 60 minutes 
Heating Time  30°C to 650°C in 20 minutes 
Calibration Volume  35mm diameter by 148mm deep 
Display Resolution  0.01: to 99.99
0.1: 100.0 to 650.0
PC can display 0.01 across whole range with the software
Indicator Units  °C, °F, °K
Supply  110VAC ±10% (50/60 Hz)
1000 Watts 
Dimensions  302mm x 176mm x 262mm (HxWxD) 
Weight  18.7 lbs (8.5kg) 
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Hotek Technologies, Inc
tel: 253-927-6186