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1863 High Resistance Megohmmeter.

1863 Megohmmeter. Test Voltage up to 500 VDC.
1864 Megohmmeter. Test Voltage from 10 VDC to 109 VDC and to 1090 VDC.

The GenRad 1863 1864 High Resistance Megohmmeter is the choice for production and inspection tests.
The 1863 Megohmmeter is the choice for production and inspection tests.
The 1863 will measure resistance at any of five common test voltages up to 500VDC, has fewer controls, and is the lower priced model. It is the best selection for those applications requiring a lesser voltage and resistance range. The GenRad 1864 Megohmmeter is the choice for more demanding applications.
It is the more flexible of the two instruments. The test voltage can be set to any value from 10VDC to 109VDC in 1-volt steps and to 1090VDC in 10 volt steps. Thus the GenRad 1864 can be set to any common, or uncommon test voltage for ceramic, mica or paper capacitors, or other devices.
The reverse resistance of rectifiers can be readily measured; the low test voltages are especially useful in measuring solid state diodes. An additional range on the 1864 Megohmmeter permits measurements up to 200 TΩ (2 x 1014Ω)

1863 Megohmmeter.

Model  Description 
1863-9700  1863 Megohmmeter Portable. 500 VDC.
1864-9700  1864 Megohmmeter. 10 VDC to 109 VDC and to 1090 VDC.

Rugged and Portable Analog Megohmmeter
3% Basic Accuracy
Up to 200 Test Voltages from 10 V to 1090 VDC
50 kΩ to 200 TΩ Measurement Range
Maximum of 2 mA Charge Current
Analog Output
Large, Direct Reading Front Panel Meter

Resistance Accuracy:
1863 Megohmmeter:(min reading 0.5)
Range 1-5: ± 2(meter reading +1)%
Range 6: ± 2% to accuracy above
Range 7: ± 4% to accuracy above
1864 Megohmmeter:(min reading 0.5)
Range 1-5: ± 2(meter reading +1)%
Range 6: ± 2% to accuracy above
Range 7: ± 3% to accuracy above
Range 8: ±5% to accuracy above
Voltage Accuracy: (across unknown): ±2%
Short-Circuit Current: 5mA approximately

1863 Megohmmeter specification
Voltage  Rmin (Full Scale)  Rmax  Useful Ranges 
50VDC, 100VDC  50 kohm  2 Tohm 
200, 250 and 500 VDC  500 kohm  20 Tohm 

1864 Megohmmeter specification
Voltage  Rmin (Full Scale)  Rmax  Useful Ranges 
10VDC to 50VDC  50 kohm  2 Tohm 
50VDC to 100VDC  200 kohm  20 Tohm 
100VDC to 500VDC  500 kohm  20 Tohm 
500VDC to 1090VDC  5 Mohm  200 Tohm 
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tel: 253-927-6186