Phone: 253-927-6186

Humidity Transmitter

HygroDat 100-EC Poly Humidity Temperature Transmitter with ploycarbomate housing.
The versatile HygroDat 100-EC Poly Humidity Temperature Transmitter detects by a remote sensor the
actual relative air humidity and temperature value and converts them into an analogue or digital signal.
The very performing micro processor enables as well the calculation and output of other climate parameters such as dew point, enthalpy, mixing ration etc.
The whole system has been built with an open system architecture what makes it very flexible.
The sensors can be installed up to 30m respectively 100m, depending on the version, from the transmitter.
For testing and adjustment purposes, the humidity standards, based on saturated salt solutions can be used.
The HygroDat 100-EC Poly transmits 10...15 times per second the measured values directly to the analogue outputs, what makes the system very quick and accurate.
The transmitter disposes as well of a automatic calibration function, that allows an easy and quick on site calibration and check by using the well proved Novasina SC humidity standards

HygroDat 100-EC Poly Transmitter

Model  Description 
PascalVision 20  Differential Pressure Monitor - Controller. -20 - +20 Pa
PascalVision 100  Differential Pressure Monitor - Controller. -100 - +100 Pa
Highest accuracy.
Highest repeatability.
Easy installation, starting up and service.
Menu driven service tools.
5 different remote probes for various applications.
2 configurable analogue output signals

2 line LC-Display SI units US / ISO.
Climate parameter calculation functions: dew point, enthalpy, mixing ratio.
5 point humidity calibration.
Fieldbus CAN or RS-232 data interface.
Calibration alarm for quality insurance

Technical specification
Physical  principle Electrolytical humidity measurement Capacitive humidity measurement
Measurement range :
Humidity 6%...100% RH (w. saturation protect.) 0....100% RH
Temperature -20 ... +80°C / -4.....176°F -40 ... +120°C / -40.....248 °F
Dew point -40 ... +60°C / -40.....140°F -40 ... +60°C / -40.....140°F
Enthalpy 0.. 166KJ/kg / +8..... 79 btu/lb 0.. 166KJ/kg / +8..... 79 btu/lb
Mixing ratio 0 ... 49 g/kg / 0.....343 grn/lb 0 ... 49 g/kg / 0.....343 grn/lb
Basic accuracy
temperature +/- 0.2K ( 0.....50°C ) +/- 0.2K ( 0.....50°C )
humidity +/- 0.5% RH (at 25°C & 5 +/- 1.5% RH (at 25°C & 5
resolution ( RH / T ) 0.1% RH / 0.1K 0.1% RH / 0.1K
repeatability ( RH / T ) < 0.3% RH / <0.1K < 1.0% RH / <0.1K
Operating temp.
Transmitter -0 ... 50° C / 14 ....140°F -0 ... 50° C / 14 ....140°F
Sensor probe -20 ... 80° C / -4 .... 176°F -40 ... 120° C / -40 ... 248°F
Power supply 16 ... 30V AC / 15... 40V DC or 90 ... 260V AC ( 50/60Hz )
Power consumption 3.5 VA AC / 3.0 W DC or 3.5 VA AC
Electromagnetic compatibility EN 50081-2 / EN61000-3-2/-3 / EN 50082-1/-2
IP-protect. / shock / safety regul. / vibration IP 65 / IEC 68-2-6 / IEC 61010-1 / IEC 68-2-6
Analogue output signals Voltage : 0 ... 10 VDC / 2 .... 10 VDC (at load >= 10k Ohm)
Current : 0 ... 20 mA / 4 .... 20 mA (at load <= 500 Ohm)
Digital interface Fieldbus : CAN 20 k .... 500 kBaud / Protocol : based CANopen
Serial : RS-232 ASCII Protocolstring (PC-Tool "Novalog 32")
Storage temperature
Transmitter -10 ... 60° C / 32 ....122°F ( not condensing )
Sensor probe -10 ... 60° C / 32 ....122°F ( not condensing )
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Hotek Technologies, Inc
tel: 253-927-6186