Dual Pressure Indicator
DMY-2017 Dual Pressure Indicator.
Dual Pressure Indicator. Single or dual pressure version. DMY-2017 Pressure Indicator with only one
pressure input offer one universal standard input for RTD, thermocouples, 0-55mV, 4-20mA,
1-5Vdc and
The design of DMY-2017 Dual Pressure Indicator is characterized by high reliability and precision,
electrical noise and EMI immunity, besides well elaborated technical manual.
These features make them ideal for industrial applications in Instrumentation and Process Control.
Dual Pressure Indicator.
Model | Description |
DCY-2017 | DCY-2017 Dual Pressure Indicator. |
Ranges: 0 to 10”H2O, 1psi, 5psi, 15 psi, 30psi, 100psi, 250psi, 500psi and 1000psi gage or absolute pressure, including vacuum.
Many optional modules are available
- Up to two analog output modules of 4-20mA, 1-5Vdc and 0-10Vdc.
- Up to four SPDT and SPST relay alarm modules.
- Water-proof front-panel.
- RS-232 or RS-422/485 communication.
• Indicates 2 variables simultaneously.
• Its robust construction makes it tough enough for the most hostile environment.
• Power supply from 90 to 240Vac, 50/60Hz or dc levels.
• High accuracy.
• Linearization of RTD, thermocouple and also square root extraction.
• Fully configurable by front-panel push-buttons.
• ACK button.
• Configuration stored in non-volatile memory.
Available for use with air and inert gases or sealed for fluids compatible with 316L stainless steel.
Power supply is universal and can be connected from 90 to 240Vac or dc levels when specified.
Flexibility and modularity concepts are clear due to the variety of modules available meeting the widest
applications. Up to four alarm modules. One or two analog output of 4-20mA, 1-5Vdc or 0-10Vdc.
Serial communication.
One or two pressure inputs for gage, absolute and vacuum pressures.
Ranges from 10”H2O to 1000psi gage pressure.
Absolute pressure ranges from 15psi to 1000psi.
Vacuum ranges up to 1atm. Ranges up to 15psi used with air and inert gases.
From 15psi to 250psi one can use air or fluids compatible with 316L stainless steel.
Sealed for use with fluids for ranges above 250psi.
Single pressure version offers auxiliar universal input for thermocouple (J, K, T, E, R or S under ITS-90), 0-55mV, RTD under DIN 43760, 4-20mA, 1-5Vdc and 0-10Vdc selected by user.
Input impedance of 250 ohms for mA, 10 M ohms for 5Vdc and 2 M ohms above 5Vdc.
4-20mA (750 ohms maximum load), 1-5Vdc or 0-10Vdc analog retransmitter.
Up to two optional modules galvanically isolated to 300Vac from power supply and input.
Up to four SPST and SPDT relays rated for 3A at 220Vac.
Logic signal, open collector transistor, 40mA/24Vdc maximum with isolation.
Note: There are 4 fitting connectors internally, so, the total number of optional output modules is 4.
See order code.
Serial Communication:
RS-232 or RS-422/485 with 50Vdc isolation.
Two 14mm red leds displays with four digits which can be configured together with the decimal point.