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Process Signal Calibrator

The PSC-4010 Process Signal Calibrator is a portable, hand-held, full function voltage and
current calibrator with the capability to both read and simulate common process control signals.
The PSC-4010 process calibrator incorporates multiple input/output ranges for both current
and voltage operating mode. When operated in the current mode, the calibrator can source, simulate,
or read over a 0 to 24 mA range with .01 mA resolution.
It can also supply 24 VDC to power a two wire transmitter while simultaneously reading back its output
both in milliamps or % of full scale. When operated in the voltage range, the PSC-4010 process signal
can read or source over two ranges, 0 to 20.00 volts or 0 to 200.0 mV.

PSC-4010 Process Signal Calibrator

Model  Description 
PSC-4010  Process Signal Calibrator includes Test Leads,
Protective rubber boot, Instruction Manual, NIST Calibration Certificate 

Reads and Simulates Process Control Signals
Memory for 3 Calibration Points in Each Range
Multiple Input / Output Ranges for Current and Voltage Mode
Built-in 24VDC Source for Powering Two-wire Transmitters
Accuracy of .025% FS± 1 LSD
Large 32 Character Dot Matrix Display
For convenience, up to three (3) calibration points can be stored in memory for each of voltage or current.
These calibration points are non-volatile and will remain in memory until the user changes them.

PSC-4010 Process Calibrator Specification
Input / Output Ranges   
Current Mode:  0.000 to 24.000 mA -25.0% to 125.0% 
Voltage Mode:  0.000 V to 20.000 V 
Accuracy (Input / Output)  ± 0.015% of F.S. ± 2 mV 
Input Impedance   
Current Mode:  20 ohm 
Voltage Mode:  1 MEG ohm 
Load Driving Capability   
Current Mode:  up to 1000 ohm 
Voltage Mode:  ± 20 mA 
Temperature Stability  ± 0.01%/° C of F.S.R. 
Temperature Range   
Operating:  0 to 50° C 
Storage:  -20° C to 60° C 
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Hotek Technologies, Inc
tel: 253-927-6186