Phone: 253-927-6186

GenRad 1620 Capacitance Bridge

1620-A Precision Capacitance Bridge.
1620-A Precision Capacitance Bridge Measurement System is a 115 V self-contained assembly of the
1615-A Capacitance Bridge with appropriate oscillator and null detectors for measurements at
11 frequencies between 50 Hz and 100 kHz.
For other frequencies, the 1615-A can be provided separately and the oscillator and detector selected to suit
your needs.

1620 Precision Capacitance Bridge.

Model  Description 
1620  1620 Precision Capacitance Bridge.

10-5pF to 11.1 µF, 2-or 3-terminal
frequency range 20 Hz -20 kHz (or higher)
0.01% accuracy, 1 ppm resolution.
Accurate and precision measurements of capacitance and dissipation factor.
Measurement of circuit capacitances.
Dielectric measurements.
Intercomparison of capacitance standards differing in magnitude by as much as 1000:1.
Lever balance, in-line readout.
Reads dissipation factor or conductance.

The 1615-A Capacitance Bridge brings to the measurement of capacitance, the intercomparison of
standard, and to the measurement of dielectric properties an unusual degree of accuracy, precision,
range, and convenience.
High accuracy is achieved through the use of precisely wound transformer ratio arms and highly stable
standards fabricated from Invar and hermetically sealed in dry nitrogen.
For calibration these standards can be intercompared. Two- or Three- Terminal Connection - Accurate
three terminal measurements can be made even in the presence of capacitances to ground as large as
1 μF, as might be encountered with the unknown connected by means of long cables.
The bridge has the necessary internal shielding to permit one terminal of the unknown capacitor to be
directly grounded, so that true two-terminal and three-terminal measurements can both be made over
the whole capacitance range.


1615-A Precision Capacitance Bridge.
1311-A Oscillator.
1232-A Tuned Amplifier and Null Detector.
1232-P2 Preamplifier added in 1620-AP.

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Hotek Technologies, Inc
tel: 253-927-6186