Phone: 253-927-6186

230 pH Temperature mV Meter

230 pH Temperature mV Meter.
The testo 230 is a complete pH measuring instrument as well as an accurate digital thermometer.
Measures pH, mv, and temperature Testo 230 pH Instrument features high-end pH sensors as well as an
accurate temperature measurement all in an attractively priced set.

pH mV Meter

Model  Description 
230  pH temperature meter

Special pH electrodes for every application:
Accurate pH measurements in aqueous solutions such as acids and electrolytes pH measurements in critical environments using type 05 pH.
The diaphragms usually used (very small pores) become blocked when used in suspensions, emulsions or solutions with proteins.
The new obstruction-free single pore diaphragm (a large pore) guarantees: - fewer problems with dirt - high accuracy levels - shorter response times.
The type 03 pH electrode is ideal for penetration measurements in solids or semi-solids.
The pore diaphragm (a very large pore) is of particular advantage in this type of application.

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Hotek Technologies, Inc
tel: 253-927-6186