Phone: 253-927-6186

325-3 Flue Gas Carbon Monoxide Analyzer

325-3 Flue Gas Carbon Monoxide Analyzer CO, draft, pressure and differential temperature.
Quick and accurate CO testing in flue gases or ambient air Measure carbon monoxide levels, perform stack draft testing and pressure testing (positive, negative & differential) effortlessly with this easy-to-use, smartly designed analyzer. Large easy-to-see display with user-defined menu-driven logic.
One-button draft measurement. Built-in Differential temperature measurement. Infrared printer for on-site printing with date, time & analyzer serial number (optional).
Magnetic-backed protection case with carrying strap (optional)

Flue Gas Analyzer

Model  Description 
325-3  Flue Gas Carbon Monoxide Analyzer

Obtain a multitude of precise and useful readings, as this unit features an internal sampling pump,
built-in trap and particle filter, built-in draft/pressure sensor, two K-type thermocouple jacks and a flue gas probe.
For added versatility, it's printer capable, if you desire a printout of results, including the date and time.
Range: 0 - 2000 ppm CO;
±16* H20 pressure.
Comes with CO Analyzer, flue gas probe & case Includes
one 9V battery

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Hotek Technologies, Inc
tel: 253-927-6186