Phone: 253-927-6186

Testo 950 High Accuracy Multifunction Meter Data Logger.

Testo 950 High Accuracy Multifunction Meter Data Logger.
Testo 950 High Accuracy Multifunction Meter Logger Temperature, CO, CO2, RPM, mV, mA.
Accurate temperature measurements are becoming increasingly important, especially in regarding energy savings, indoor air quality and environmental protection. Limitless future options available with the NEW
modular system.

Multifunction Meter Data Logger

Model  Description 
950  High Accuracy Multifunction Meter Data Logger

Our barcode pen allows for very quick and easy data processing.
Our modular design allows for easy upgrades to the instrument as they are developed. In this way you will always have a measuring instrument corresponding to the latest technology.
RTD (Pt 100) probes conforming to DIN IEC 751 perform accurate temperature measurements of liquids, semi-solids, air and surfaces.
The instrument can be used for all measurements requiring a high accuracy e.g. measurements in chemical labs.

The Testo 950 measures, records and prints measurements for: temperature, CO, CO2, rpm, mV and mA.
Numerous temperature probes for nearly any application.
High precision - accuracy to < 0.1 °C with 0.01 resolution.
Temperature probe have calibration and response adjustment capabilities

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Hotek Technologies, Inc
tel: 253-927-6186