Phone: 253-927-6186

Transformer Tester.

4167F Automatic Transformer Ratiometer. Transformer Tester.
The advantage of the 4167F transformer ratiometer is its simplicity to set-up.
Setting up the transformer ratiometer is a simple case of typing in the vector group using the instrument front panel keypad and connecting to the offline transformer. Special built in keyboard supports easy input of vectorgroup, phase measuring mode and parameter. Centronics printer port. RS232C port to get full external control over the instrument.

Transformer Ratiometer

Model  Description 
4167F  Automatic Transformer Ratiometer.

Ratio range from 0.75 to 10,000:1
Full automated measurement
Features unique vector group detection
Measuring voltage from 8V to 160V selectable or used from external source (8V .. 240V)
Display shows ratio, phase angle, deviance and magnetizing current
nternal card reader supports handling parameter chip cards for saving all transformer specific
measurement data.

The advantage of the 4167F Automatic Transformer Ratiometer is its simplicity to set-up.

Setting up the instrument is a simple case of typing in the vector group using the instrument front panel
keypad and connecting to the offline transformer.
All three phases are measured consecutively with connecting and short circuit procedures at the primary
and secondary voltage terminals performed automatically before each measurement.
It is also possible to measure just one phase if required. An adjustable set value permits the display of
any error or deviation from the required transformation ratio.
It is also possible for the 4167F to control the transformer tap changer and in this case all phases and taps
are measured consecutively.
Results can be stored internally using a transformer specific memory card, printed to an external printer
or transferred to a PC via an RS232 interface. By using a memory card, pre-programmed for a specific
transformer type, the instrument can be made to show a PASS / FAIL message with the actual reading.
The transformer specific memory cards can be easily programmed via a personal computer using the
built in card reader or by a cost efficient external card reader/writer directly connecting to a personal computer.

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  • Purchase Orders
Hotek Technologies, Inc
tel: 253-927-6186