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Home > Electrical > Submarine Cable Tester > 5901 Submarine Cable Test Set

5901 Submarine Cable DC Test Set.
The Test Set consists of four modules mounted in a standard 19 inch cabinet. It is designed for making D.C. measurements of resistance and capacitance of conventional repeatered coaxial submarine cable and repeatered fiber optic cable. Simplicity of operation without undue circuit complexity has been achieved

Submarine Cable DC Test Set

Model  Description 
5901 Submarine Cable DC Test Set

Determination of conductor resistance.
Determination of insulation resistance.
Determination of cable capacitance with or without leakage.
Location of insulation faults by the "fall of potential" method the "no loss of current" test.

These facilities are selected by a rotary switch and sequential operation is by push button control.
The test voltage power supplies outputs are set by banks of rotary switches.
A high performance digital voltmeter coupled to a printer unit is used to measure and record all required voltages during the testing sequence.

A digital seconds counter facilitates the timing of individual stages in the procedure.

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Hotek Technologies, Inc
tel: 253-927-6186