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5895 Transformer Micro ohmmeter.

The 5895 Micro-ohmmeter has been specifically designed for the fast measurement of the resistance of large transformers.
Transformer Micro ohmmeter is equally suitable for the measurement of any resistance where a large amount of inductance is also present.

Transformer Micro-ohmmeter

Model  Description 
5895  5895 Transformer Micro-ohmmeter.

An integral timer and printer are also incorporated to enable precise readings to be recorded at exact and programmed time intervals.
Whilst being practical in use the instrument also has safety features to protect both the operator and the instrument from the hazards associated with this type of measurement.
This micro ohmmeter instrument is suitable for the resistance measurement requirement of BS171 Part 2 or Part 1 IEC 76-5.

Stable accurate measurements can be achieved in a fraction of the time required than when using more traditional bridge methods.
For an average size distribution transformer the resistance reading is available within 10 seconds

Transformer micro ohmmeter specification
Transformer Micro-ohmmeter
Range  Full Scale  Resolution  Test Current  Accuracy 
100 Ω 180.00 Ω 10 mΩ 0.1 Amps  0.1 % 
10 Ω 18.000 Ω 1.0 mΩ 0.5 Amps  0.1 % 
1 Ω 1.8000 Ω 0.1 mΩ 1.0 Amps  0.1 % 
100 mΩ 180.00 mΩ 10 µΩ 5.0 Amps  0.1 % 
10 mΩ 18.000 mΩ 1 µΩ 5.0 Amps  0.1 % 
10 mΩ 1.8000 mΩ 0.1 µΩ 10 Amps  0.2 % 
Supply  110/120 V 50/60 Hz  220 / 240 V 50/60 Hz 
VA Rating 500 VA 
Dimensions 460 x 460 x 150 mm 
Net Weight 16.5kg 
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Hotek Technologies, Inc
tel: 253-927-6186