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LMG450 Multi channel Power Meter Analyzer Measurements on three-phase motors and drives, power supplies with multiple in/outputs, transformer efficiency and vector groups, easy and accurately power measuring in switchgears, universal meter for power electronic and energy analysis.
The 4-channel LMG450 Multi channel power meter analyzer is another advanced product from LMG series of precision power meters, tried and tested and with great acceptance in the market.

LMG450 Multi channel power meter analyzer

Model  Description 
LMG450  Multi channel power meter analyzer

It is designed as a universal meter for the entire field of power electronics and network analysis.
It can be used in practically all power electronics applications, in development and test systems,
in quality assurance and maintenance. It is fully frequency inverter compatible.
It can also be used for measurements in motors, transformers, conventional and switched power supply units. It is also suitable for mains analysis measurements.

The direct measurement inputs for voltage and current have a very wide dynamic range:
8 voltage ranges from 6V to 600V, and 6 ranges for current from 0.6A to 16A.
A further voltage input (6 ranges from 0.12V to 4V), designed for isolating current sensors,
extends the current measuring range almost indefinitely.
With the help of the special current clamps supplied and designed for the LMG450, current can be measured during running operations, without interrupting the current path,
in the frequency range from 5Hz to 20kHz, and in the range from 45Hz to 1kHz even with the
accuracy of direct current measuring inputs.

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Hotek Technologies, Inc
tel: 253-927-6186