Power quality analyzers and monitoring equipment.
Economy Power Analyzer 0.15% accuracy, peak hold function. 101A Power Meter Analyzer is suitable for measurements on electronically switched loads. Optional battery back-up is available for 6 hours autonomous operation.
106A power analyzers are state of the art high performance power
harmonics analyzers, single and three phase. The Harmonics Analyzer will give you the highest performance at low costs. The accuracy 0.1% or 0.05%. Range of harmonics 1-99.
Data logging - transfer of up to 10 values from a 3-phase system in 20ms. 107A High Speed Power Analyzer is a very advanced measurement tool designed to offer the scientist, engineer, or technician
The new 108A Precision Power Analyzer is as simple to operate as our other instruments. Highest precision available: 0.02% reading + 0.02% range18 bit resolution. Four different measurement modes enhance the 108A Power Analyzer capabilities: Standard, Logging, Transient, Power-Speed.
Battery Operated Single and Three Phase Power Analyzer. Unlike other instruments in this price range the Model 31 Power Analyzers are suitable for measurements on frequency inverter drives, light ballasts, and other electronically controlled loads. Harmonics 1-63.
PC10 PC control Power Analyzer Converter measures, computes and transmits all your important power variables to your computer. The PC control Power Analyzer is available in single or three phase versions. Combines an ammeter, voltmeter, wattmeter and a spectrum analyzer.
Multimeter is a multipurpose instrument designed for laboratory and field use, and for production testing. Current, voltage and power in the frequency range 20Hz to 1kHz.
MAVOLOG 10 series three-phase power analyzers have been designed primarily for
the acquisition of electrical power supply characteristics and monitoring of the
corresponding compatibility level (voltage quality) in accordance with the standards.
Precision multimeter, power meter and power disturbance measuring instrument with integrated memory. Energy measurement (Wh, VArh, VAh) active, reactive and apparent energy, mean power value with adjustable observation period and maximum value.
3-Phase Power Meter Multifunctional programmable power meter for three-phase systems. Programmable transformer ratios allow the A2000 Power Meter to show primary values on the display and read through the serial ports.
A210 and A220 Power monitors are suitable for control panel mounting and measures all the important measurands in 3-phase and single-phase systems. Multifunctional power monitor for current and voltage, active, reactive, apparent power.
The Panel Power Monitor is also suitable for measurements in low and middle voltage systems because of the freely programmable factors for the current and voltage transformers. Memory and a digital input allow the monitoring and recording of average power values for a minimum of 83 days at 15 min intervals.
The A 230 multifunction power meter is designed for application in high, medium and low voltage systems. The SINEAX A230 Power Monitor with RS-232/485 and MODBUS interface is designed for application in high, medium and low voltage systems.
The 4-channel LMG450 Multi channel power meter analyzer can be used for measurements in motors, transformers, conventional and switched power supply units. It is also suitable for mains analysis measurements.